Enter Now! Final Deadline Feb. 21 Learn More

Episode 4 of Hot Takes

BYKids founder Holly Carter on mentoring the next generation of storytellers through documentaries.

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How Does the People’s Telly Work?

The Telly Awards team has the answers to your questions– watch our quick video breakdown of the People’s Telly Awards to learn how it all works.

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PBS on Algorithms vs. Integrity

Listen in to Maribel Lopez, Head of PBS Digital Studios, leading the charge to bring PBS’s trusted storytelling to new audiences online.

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Meet Melissa Ortiz of Warner Brothers

“There weren’t many Latinas in sports broadcasting when I was growing up. There also wasn’t much coverage of women’s sports. This inspired me to be a Latina voice in the industry as well as become a storyteller.”

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Events + Industry

Curated insight and event recaps of exclusive industry happenings and our monthly podcast featuring micro conversations with industry leaders on the macro issues facing the television and video world.

Celebrate your team

Celebrate your team

You've made great work - now it's time to let us see it.

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Enter Now Final Deadline Feb 21