Sylvain Borgarino is a French Creative and Art Director currently working as a Creative Director at June, TwentyFirst in Paris. Since 2006, he has worked with brands such as Sisley, Cartier, Celine, Giorgio Armani, Bottega Veneta, SNCF, Orange, Carrefour and the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme, to name a few. From early insights and strategy to design and production, Borgarino is involved at every stage of projects, to create thoughtful concepts and push the boundaries forward. Throughout his work, Borgarino aims to build concept-driven work in aesthetic forms, while trying to have fun along the way.
What piece of video/television has recently inspired you?
The New York Times’ “The Truth is Worth It” campaign, created by Droga5, is an incredible piece of work. It won two black pencils at D&AD and two Grand Prix at Cannes! And it was fully deserved. I also stumbled upon a film by Aaron Tilley, “Thin Skinned”, that is pretty amazing.
What is most exciting for you at the moment within your industry?
One word: DATA. It’s a real game changer. Our industry has always evolved with technology, but in the digital advertising ecosystem, data is now the most valuable thing in this new era of openness and transparency. The information you tell has to be 100% reliable, specific, and targeted. Data enhances the relevance of our work by helping it be more useful. We’re also in a moment during which advertising and design agencies are changing, getting closer to consulting and engineering companies. The idea of working alongside engineers to solve problems by design is pretty awesome and exciting.
What is one thing the Telly Awards community should know about you?
I’m a space enthusiast nerd—I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I can’t wait to see another human being walking on an astronomical body again. If NASA offers me a job, whatever it is (design related would be appreciated, but I’m pretty sure I can learn how to fly a space shuttle pretty fast), I would jump at the chance!
What is a piece of work you are most proud to have worked on?
The Sisley Phyto-Touche film was a pretty cool project to work on. We were a very small team and we really did not have much time to realize it, besides the budget was pretty tight. The entire team mobilized to create the set, find a place to shoot, and make it happen in record time. Considering all this, I think we can be quite proud of the result, that won the first Gold Telly in Art Direction for commercial, alongside with Partizan’s “Runner” clip made by Michel Gondry ! (of course it’s impossible to compare to them, but it’s still rewarding ;) ).
Who is else in France is creating work that inspires you?
I really like the work of Murmure, a young French agency with a strong taste for great typography. I also like the work of Bonsoir Paris, a design studio for experiential narratives, as they like to be called. In a completely different field, I like everything that comes from Études Studio, a Parisian brand with a multifaceted creative universe and a very strong visual aesthetic.